Enjoy and take the stress out of flying

Many people get uptight about flying.  Many of these stresses are related to not only the phobia of having a fear of flying, but also the fears that you have forgotten something or may miss your flight.  Going on vacation can be a very stressful time.  Here are some tips to take the stress out of flying.

1. Make a list of what you need to pack.
Traveling with the knowledge that you have everything you need is a good feeling.  Well ahead of time you can make your list and when you pack check off the items.  Getting to the airport without your passport will not only add stress to your trip early on, but it may delay getting away.  There are various packing list apps available.  Search them out and decide which one suits you best.

2. Getting to the airport early
A good rule of thumb is to be at the airport at least 3 hours ahead of your take off time.  I know this sounds like a long time but consider the following:  Check in lineups may be long, going through security can sometimes take forever, finding your departure gate can be a long walk in some cases and having time to shop or enjoy the airport would be nice.  Getting to the airport early will help you relax and take a load off your mind.

3. Relax at the airport
Explore the airport lounge, find the exercise room or read a book; there is time to relax.  Avoid too much alcohol, even though "it was a good idea at the time" you want to still have your wits with you.

4. Make all flights and transfers part of your vacation
As soon as you leave your driveway you are ON VACATION.  The trip to the airport and the flight and transfer are all part of the adventure.  When we travel, we are excited and talk about our upcoming trip on the way to the airport.  Once at the airport we always have time to explore it.  Do some shopping, have a drink etc.  Remember, your vacation is what you make of it.

5. Once on the plane, get some rest.
I know, it sometimes is easier said than done; but a nap on the plane will not only make the flight seem faster but it will also make you feel better now that you are better rested.  Naps on planes are not only good for your but help take the stress away.